598x360 cmsv2 70bb1f5a 1037 5ceb 9491 21dd1419888f 1114625d1607d928b9c741483b64b9f4cb2f2ac537c4To ensure that the quantities will remain sustainable in the future, the regional fisheries management organisation - GFCM, launched an international survey of the Black Sea Rapa whelk populations.
Elitsa Petrova is the Director of the Institute of Fish Resources, the oldest maritime institute in Varna. She explains that Rapa whelk is an invasive species but also an economic resource. Тhe species should be "jointly managed by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, using a holistic approach".

 Video Euronews: https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/08/24/the-black-sea-predators-helping-local-fishing-communities-survive





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